Sunday, November 22, 2009



So, I realized that not many people may know what’s going on in my life. Thus, I prepared a list of the top 10 things in my life that are different, new, or exciting. So, with that…

10) I’m a house proctor this year, and this has completely changed my college experience. I love it though—I have 50 awesome freshman residents who keep me on my toes.

9) I saw The Rocket Summer in Baltimore…so good!

8) I’ve done a lot of cool things in DC this year, including meeting Senator Harry Reid, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, and got to see Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates give a talk at my school this year. Oh ya, and I met and talked to this guy from Top Chef!!! That was EQUALLY as exciting.

7) Enjoying the single life :) with no plans to change that for a while.

6) I’m on a TV show! My friend and I helped start up a political debate show on GWTV, and I’m the host/moderator.

5) I was a 70s porn star for Halloween (check out the picture!)

4) I joined a fraternity...that’s right, I’m in a frat. But before you judge, just know that it’s a co-ed community service fraternity! It’s been awesome and I’ve made a ton of new and close friends. The pledging process got annoying at times, but now that its over and I’m officially in the fraternity, it’s all good.

3) I am SO EXCITED FOR THANKSGIVING. But—I’m not going home. Instead, one of my best buds Keagan Case is coming to DC to stay with me FOR THE WHOLE BREAK! My university will essentially be empty, and Keagan and I are going to run DC together.

2) TRAGIC NEWS!!! My wii…has been stolen. Yes that’s right, my wii, my Mario kart wii wheels, my controllers, my games…all stolen. They were stolen from my dorm’s community room about 3 months ago—before residents even moved in! I have a suspect that I’m pretty sure who did it (he’s a guy that works in my dorm in facilities). If you all know me, you understand how devastating this is…

1) I go home in one month! I miss Idaho A TON and I am so excited to see some sexy faces. I arrive in Idaho Falls the afternoon of December 21st.



  1. I love you and your sexy bod! I can't wait for Christmas!!

  2. Jake! Hahaha I LOVE your halloween costume, it seems like you are having fun!! Except for the wii.. that is SUPER SAD! I'm excited to see you!
